ADHD Evaluation & Treatment for Children, Teens, and Students

Treatment for childhood ADHD is specialized to help address struggles inside and outside of the classroom, at home, with friends, and in other areas of children’s lives. Helping children understand their strengths for how they learn and providing structure to daily routines is part of the process.

If your child has ADHD, it may be obvious to you the many ways that ADHD has impacted your child’s school life.

Beginning at a young age, they may have had the unpleasant task of bringing you notes from the teachers, documenting their trouble paying attention, sitting still, and working to their potential. We know now that ADHD doesn’t just impact your child’s school life. In fact, many children struggle with their ADHD symptoms in their personal and social life, too.

Children with ADHD frequently experience these symptoms outside of the classroom:

  • Acting impulsively or without thinking through decisions

  • Excessively talking within social situations

  • “Zoning out” when others talk to them

  • Struggling with work requiring repetitive tasks or when multi-tasking

  • Experiencing more intense or longer-lasting emotions

Despite these problems, the majority of children with ADHD respond well to carefully structured treatment.

With the help of the clinical team at The Affinity Center, children and teens will have the support to navigate both the academic and not-so-academic areas of their life influenced by ADHD symptoms through:

  • Clinical, cognitive, and educational/academic evaluations (ages 16 and up only)

  • Individual therapy support (often with parental involvement)

  • Supportive parent therapy

  • Family therapy

  • Medication management services including medication trials

  • School consultation and support

A Message for Parents:

If you suspect that your child may have ADHD, an associated learning disorder, or another mental health concern, ranging from anxiety to a mood difficulty, you likely have many questions.

The Affinity Center wants to help you receive an accurate diagnosis and learn the causes for your child’s difficulties in school, or in social and family relationships. We know that answering these questions is the critical first step toward relieving your concerns. We also realize that various diagnoses can bring confusion about what it all means for your child and family. Regardless of your reaction, you will need time and guidance to have all of your questions answered.

First, we want you to know that you are not alone. ADHD is the most commonly diagnosed behavioral disorder in North America and is also the most studied childhood psychiatric disorder. With appropriate treatment, many children with ADHD overcome the challenges presented by the disorder. A variety of treatments exist to help manage the condition, including counseling, behavioral therapy, coaching, and medication.

Second, we want to help you understand the many issues surrounding ADHD today. For example, how is ADHD different from and similar to a mood disorder? What about having a combination of learning issues and mental health issues? These are questions The Affinity Center clinical team manages on a daily basis.

The Affinity Center is dedicated to helping children and families affected by learning disorders, ADHD, and other mental and emotional difficulties.

We offer individualized treatment, educational testing, consultation, support, and ongoing management programs to meet your child’s needs and to help them get on the right track toward success.